Sunday, 7 April 2013

SlideShare and Prezi

For this thing we have Slideshare and Prezi.

Slideshare was interesting to look at because you have access to many different types of presentations.  Most of my working life has not involved the kind of work that might require me to use tools like this, so having others to look at is beneficial.

Prezi is a great tool that I used to do a small presentation when it first came out but I have not used since.  It looks like it has improved since then and I like their homepage, there are multiple short videos on how to Prezi and the explore tab allow you to see other presentation.  I like Prezi’s ability to zoom in and out allowing you to focus the viewer’s attention during a presentation.  If I ever need to do a presentation in the future I would definitely use Prezi.

1 comment:

  1. Great- and you have some Prezi whizzes (people) in your library there.....
    Prezi has improved quite a lot since it first came out, so yes - give it another go.

    SlideShare is wonderful for its breadth of information and slides!
