Thursday, 25 April 2013


If I was to say anything about this journey it would be that it made me look at things that I would probably not looked at normally, in all honesty I had not even looked at YouTube until I did this.  It is hard to say if I have a favourite discovery I looked over the list and in one way or another I knew about most the things I just had no inclination to look at them.

Having said that I am now far more aware of a lot more sources of information that could be useful to me and I have since looked at YouTube a couple of times so I guess it has left its mark.  If there is one thing that was hard it was finding the time, I know some of my latter post have not been my best but I had to do them in bits and pieces where I had a few moments.

 Would I do another one, maybe; I did like the format all of the things and they were nicely laid out with good instructions and the best thing was the examples to look at.

1 comment:

  1. And you did it!!
    Huge congratulations!! So pleased that you have completed.
    One of the unexpected beneftis of this program can be (and I hope it is with you) an increased confidence in exploring other new tech and tools that you encounter along the way??
    Who knows??
    I am just glad you came along for the journey!!
