Wednesday 21 November 2012

how do i find time for this

This is not going to be easy I am rarely at my desk for more than half an hour at a time, but I have allotted time on Tuesday morning and if that does not work out I have a backup slot on Friday afternoon.

I do not have any real strategies for doing these things in regards to getting groups together because of the 5 of us doing this we are only all together for this week.  I also think that I learn better if I work things out for myself, this of course could change as I have only used 8 things on the top 100 tools for learning list, but I am confident that i will manage.

my goal is to expand my knowledge base of Web 2.0, it is not something that I have a lot of interest in but they are a necessary part of my current studies and who knows I maybe converted.


  1. Great- your attitude sounds just fine. It's good to know what your learning style is...working things out for yourself is just fine (and you do have a lot of participants and mentors right at your fingertips!)

  2. I found it hard to fit in the time too, but it was really worth it...and the format of 23Things really supports working things out for yourself

  3. I also found it hard to find the time - but learned so much. Some tools were just so useful and I loved things I had not really been interested in. I was also surprised when I hated (or at least disliked) things I was looking forward to. Hope you really enjoy the program.

  4. Hey Metalman You have already achieved a lot in the program by creating your blog! Well done!
    I look back at my first blog posts and think "wow - did I really say that". Can't believe I once wasn't interested in tools such as Twitter - now I can't live without them (in both my professional and private lives).
